“Let’s wear color all year round” is Isabelle’s mantra. Several studies and surveys have revealed that in the space of 30 years, color has disappeared from nearly 40% of our daily lives , replaced by the gloom of gray or black. Isabelle thus leads an incessant fight for a colorful world, a source of well-being .

Each of its collections is therefore available according to its favorite color palette: the rainbow . Beyond a simple militant symbol , the rainbow also embodies a sign of hope , evoking childhood where we often drew vibrant rainbows with our first markers.

Color is proven to contribute to well-being . Isabelle therefore practices color therapy throughout the year , well beyond her collections. When in the middle of winter Isabelle puts on her shimmering coats and dazzling jewelry, she arouses curiosity and automatically attracts attention, but above all, she offers smiles.

Discover our colorful jewelry here